

Here's another NEW WAVE mp3 compilation which was released here in MANILA wayback 2004 entitled "NEW WAVE DANCE (All New Remix Versions)". My good friend JACK J. finally was able to dig this mp3 selection from his vaults. NEW WAVE mp3 again? So what's this genre again all about? I'm just glad we have another "ONLY IN THE PHILIPPINES" classic. He He He!! Well, I'm going to include here in my blogpost the exact contents of the Back Cover that explains about NEW WAVE. So here it goes:

NEW WAVE.... What is it? Well, essentially It's POST-PUNK ERA Music(starting circa 1979), that journalists, record label A&R people, disc jockeys, and assorted music-biz folk didn't want to call PUNK ROCK. Despite PUNK's grassroots success, to describe "PUNK" still doomed it commercially. Why? Mainly because PUNK ROCK was relegated outsider status; music that was considered too harsh, radical, and alienating to speak to larger, more traditional rock and pop audiences. Hence, the term "NEW WAVE" (whose cultural origins go back to it's use as description of Avant-Garde French-filmmaking in the late 50s) was substituted to indicate bands that were progressive, different, but not necessarily threatening, nor devoid of commercial potential. A YIN/YANG concept in the truest sense, NEW WAVE yielded many fine bands and great records. Many of which are included in this Ultimate New Wave mp3 collection.

That's the entire content that was written on the mp3 collection's Back Cover. Hmmmp!! I find it very interesting. The compilation includes 75 great extended, remix versions of the songs from the NEW WAVE ERA that was very popular here in MANILA. Bands like DEAD OR ALIVE, INFORMATION SOCIEY, HUMAN LEAGUE, SOFT CELL, REAL LIFE, and a lot more that could let you dance all day and all of the night. He He He!! All remixes here guys and no album or single version included so definitely once you start listening to it you just can't stop dancing. Uploading the entire 75 songs? Naaah!! I'm very sorry because that's too heavy for a file and no time for me to do such a toxic thing. Let's leave it to other Blogs that specialized on it. How about the Tracklisting? Hmmmp!! Let's see what CAPTAIN HOOK will do about it, if you got my drift. He He He!!

There are lots of NEW ORDER, DEPECHE MODE, ERASURE, and TEARS FOR FEARS stuffs here for those who loves these bands.

So Let's Dance To The

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