

Recently, SWINE FLU have just taken over as a health threat here in the PHILIPPINES and around the globe so here is my own blogpost about it. As of writing, Department Of Health Secretary Francisco Duque confirmed that there are already a total of 21 known cases here in the Philippines and this will still rise in the coming days. Hmmmp!! THAT'S VERY ALARMING KABAYANS!! Despite the increasing number of cases of Influenza A(H1N1) , the Department of Health (DOH) still insist that there is no outbreak in the communities. Secretary Duque explained that the country is on response level two, with the department closely monitoring 46 cases already . Currently, 13 new cases have been recorded, with 21 confirmed and 32 still pending for test results. There are some guidelines already regarding preventing this disease and did you know that the first lesson for the students who just went to school today as preparation for the new school year 2009-2010 is how to wash their hands correctly and properly. This is a preventive measure for these students and even the schools are already on alert to monitor this SWINE FLU scare that has cost lives around the globe especially in MEXICO. The very first case of Swine Flu here in the Philippines was of a 10-year old female child who visited CANADA when she was in the U.S. Now, It's totally a different scenario since there was an increase in Swine Flu cases here in my country. People who attended a Wedding in ZAMBALES are in strict monitoring by the Department Of Health (DOH).

So what is SWINE FLU? SWINE FLU viruses are not the same as HUMAN FLU viruses. Pigs can can also get influenza (flu) like humans , but Swine flu doesn't often infect humans , and the rare human cases that have occurred in the past have mainly affected people who had direct contact with pigs or better known as swine for the sense of discussion. The current SWINE FLU outbreak that have started in MEXICO and currently spreading around the globe is very different. This time It's caused by virus that has changed or mutated in ways that allow it to spread from person to person and now It's happening among people who haven't had any contact with pigs which makes it a human flu virus. Thus, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention(CDC) called it Novel Influenza A (H1N1) virus to differentiate it from the other strain of Influenza virus of the same name normally occurring in pigs in North America . YUP!! It's deadly in a way if the virus have totally weakened your immune system. CDC has determined that this new H1N1 virus is contagious and at this time it is not known how easily the virus spreads via human to human transmission. Even the two DAVIDS of AMERICAN IDOLS namely David Cook and David Archuleta were screened by officials for Swine Flu when they visited MANILA recently to do some concerts. MANNY PACQUIAO was no exception too when he arrived home coming from a terrific knockout of Ricky Hatton. Former PRESIDENT RAMOS on the otherhand made a self-quarantine when he arrived from a trip abroad a day before the merging of two major political parties last week. Definitely, something to be aware of.

Symptoms of swine flu are:
1) fever
2) cough
3) runny nose or stuffy nose
4) headache
5) body aches
6) sore throat
7) chills
8) fatigue
9) diarrhea

These symptoms does not automatically tells us that you have SWINE FLU okay. They may also be associated with other diseases so It's better if a laboratory work up will also be done.

Prevention is still the best for this SWINE FLU scare!! Right now, there is no known Vaccine yet and the Flu vaccine that we usually know is not the same thing that could help us prevent it. Good thing babies here in the Philippines are already given their Flu Vaccines in their Vaccine Schedules unlike during my times. Hmmmp!! Talking about age ah? He He He!! But these vaccines that I'm talking about is very different guys. Everyone of us can prevent the spread of this virus coming to our body system with proper hygiene. PROPER HANDWASHING (15-20 seconds with soap and water), WASTE DISPOSAL are very effective preventive measures. If you guys feel sick already then proper rest and avoid contact with others will help. Coughing and sneezing by use of tissue and throwing it in a proper waste disposal would also help prevent the spreading of the virus.


Well, I hope I've given added INFOS for you guys regarding this disease. I also hope that my BLOGPOST PRESENTATION will not scare you to death regarding SWINE FLU so I invited PORKY PIG, MISS PIGGY, PIGLET, and BABE to help me out on this. He He He!! THANKS for dropping by and TAKE CARE!!