"WISELY is not a Presidentiable nor a Vice Presidentiable,
WISELY is not campaigning for any Senator and Congressman,
WISELY is not related to any Governor or Mayor,
But remember WISELY on MAY 10, 2010!!
Choose WISELY!!
I will vote WISELY!!"
I'll just leave you with a classic song and music video coming from ARCADIA entitled "ELECTION DAY" uploaded by mass29 on YouTube. YUP!! I saw these three guys namely SIMON LEBON, NICK RHODES, and ROGER TAYLOR performed LIVE IN MANILA as DURAN DURAN. Btw, I was able to watch DURAN DURAN performed LIVE IN CONCERT here in MANILA twice and these were back in 1989 and 2008. Both concerts were held at the ARANETA COLISEUM. Nothing still beats the 1989 DURAN DURAN Sold Out Concert here in MANILA!! MEMORIES INDEED!! "Election Day" by ARCADIA was first played by WXB102 back in 1985 and It invaded other MANILA Radio Stations which became a hit too since the DURAN DURAN versus SPANDAU BALLET thing was also popular back then here in the PHILIPPINES. So KABAYANS......... It's ELECTION DAY!!

Here's my "ELECTION DAY" 12 inch Vinyl Record:

Watch and Listen to ELECTION DAY by ARCADIA: