HELLO EVERYONE!! The Doctor Is Still In this 2012 and today is my blog's 5th Birthday!! YUP!! You got it right Amigos, Friends, and Kabayans!! This humble blog of mine is FIVE YEARS OLD Today August 24, 2012 and time flies so fast indeed.Hmmp? Just imagine, I created this blog wayback 2007 and It's still alive until now with all the changes happening in the world. Well, even though I haven't been blogging that much this year 2012 due to other priorities and being busy in about everything, I still misses creating unique and cutting edge blogposts especially pertaining to my kind of music, passion and anything under the sun. Nevertheless, I will still try my best to update this little blog of mine starting this time since it just reminded me to do so by celebrating It's 5th Birthday in the Blogosphere. So what's my Blogpost Header Photo for today? It's a Birthday Balloon I got from my niece who celebrated her Birthday recently and that's a children's book about numbers and I just turned the page that featured the "# 5". Just "The Dr. Stirring Rhod Way" of celebrating a silent Blog Birthday Party. He He He!! I just realized that "The Doctor Is In" is already "Half A Decade Old" at this moment. Any significance? Just a sort of a Diary I may say. If you want to read my previous Anniversary Blogposts then just look for "Anniversary" on my "INFORMATION SOCIETY (LABELS)" at the lower right side of my blog and prepare to travel back in time when my blog celebrated all It's Birthdays and of course watch and listen to the Birthday Songs I featured back then. Hopefully, we will still be here in the blogosphere by 10 years, 15 years, 20 years or even beyond. I wonder what would the Internet look like 25 years from now. Naaahhh!! Will 2012 be really the end of world as we know it? Who knows? Let me take this opportunity to thank those who still visits my blog after all these years. THANKS for the unending support!!
I'll leave you with a Birthday song from a band from Iceland led by BJORK. Here's the Music Video of "BIRTHDAY" by "THE SUGARCUBES". This song was first played here in MANILA back in 1988 by NU 107. THANKS EVERYONE for hanging around these years!!