Last JUNE 7, 2008 I have the privilege of featuring HARMONIC TREND mobile here in my little blog and with the help of ALDRIN IGNACIO I was able to present my first MANILA LEGENDARY MOBILE blogpost. Well, after a year, here we go again but this time It's a different flavor. I saw Aldrin's Multiply Site and was impressed so much with his "THE CULT" COLLECTION so It just popped in my head why not have a "THE CULT" Mix here in my blog done by HARMONIC TREND's ALDRIN himself. Hmmmp!! That would be interesting don't you think? So thus this Blogpost was born. I never saw a KABAYAN of mine having a vast collection of THE CULT so definitely we have to listen to ALDRIN's mix which "The Dr. Stirring Rhod Way" calls it "HarmoniCULTrend Mix". YUP!! Another of my countless original blog concepts here on "The Doctor Is In" for you to enjoy. When I informed Aldrin about this project he immediately like the blogpost title and was eager then to do such MIX since he is a great fan of THE CULT.
So before we present you Aldrin's MIX, let me give you a little backgrounder on THE CULT which was very popular here in MANILA back in the 80s. THE CULT was first introduced here in MANILA by WXB102 back in 1985 by playing the song "RAIN" and then followed by "SHE SELLS SANCTUARY" from their "LOVE" album. Two great and classic songs that PINOY WAVERS would definitely remember from the band. Btw, I featured CHILDHOOD DILEMMA's version of SHE SELLS SANCTUARY few days ago here in my blog. THE CULT was an ENGLISH Rock Band formed in 1983 with IAN ASTBURY as the band's vocalist and BILLY DUFFY as guitarist who are the longest serving members of the band up to date. Another classic song from the band entitled "DREAMTIME" even became a WXB102 PARTY title back on those days wherein HARMONIC TREND was one of the Mobiles present on that gig. With the release of their "ELECTRIC" album in 1987, WXB102 began playing a lot of songs from this album like the Headbanging "LOVE REMOVAL MACHINE", and the Heartpounding "WILDFLOWER" just before the station left MANILA Airwaves on JUNE 1987. The EXTENDED VERSIONS of both songs became a PARTY FAVORITE back on those days. Of course who would forget their version of a STEPHENWOLF classic "BORN TO BE WILD". By the time their "SONIC TEMPLE" album was released in 1989, It was 99.5 RT's THREE MONTH College Radio Format called "RHYTHM AND ROCK 99.5RT" that introduced the song "FIRE WOMAN" which also had heavy airplay on both DZBM POWER 105 and NU107 on the same time. YUP!! I remember that clearly because I was a follower too of that MEMORABLE 1989 99.5 RT FORMAT. There were MORE "THE CULT" songs that made it to the playlist of XB, BM, RT, and NU back in the 80s aside from what I just mentioned. I only highlighted those very popular ones. So without further a do, let me present you ALDRIN's HarmoniCULTrend Mix:
HarmoniCULTrend Mix TRACKLIST: TIME: 24:01 1)Revolution(Mash-Up with Blue Zoo) 2)Rain 3)Resurrection Joe 4)Lil' Devil 5)Born To Be Wild 6)Love Removal Machine 7)Wildflower 8)She Sells Sanctuary
As I was going to work and then going back home this day I noticed a lot of YELLOW RIBBONS in MANILA and MAKATI and I found out that there were news of that the Former PHILIPPINE PRESIDENT CORAZON COJUANGCO-AQUINO have passed away only to know that It wasn't true. WOW!! Talking about spreading of false rumors. According to Deedee Siytangco, former President Corazon Aquino’s spokesperson, “If there’s anything to be announced, it would be them who will do so.” Well, at this point in time everyone here in my country who are praying for her recovery are still hoping for the best and definitely even the priests who celebrated the healing mass today expressed that It's now in the hands of GOD what fate will have to do to our beloved President who was really vital during the 80s if you are talking about PHILIPPINE HISTORY. The title of my blogpost today is of course base on the popular song by DAWN Feat. TONY ORLANDO entitled "TIE A YELLOW RIBBON ROUND THE OLD OAK TREE" which became #1 in both US and UK charts back in 1973 and also became popular around the world and that includes my very own country , the PHILIPPINES especially during the political turmoil back in the 80s. I remember my parents playing this tune both on our Turntable and Tape Deck back in the 70s and 80s when I was still very young. Btw, I'm young at heart. He He He!! This song was popular here in my country particularly at the time when the Late SENATOR BENIGNO "NINOY" AQUINO (husband of Pres. Cory Aquino) have expressed his intentions back in 1983 to come home from a three year exile in the U.S. to face the Late President MARCOS. As everyone could recall that NINOY was assasinated on AUGUST 21, 1983 and the song "TIE A YELLOW RIBBON ROUND THE OLD OAK TREE" was then associated with NINOY and YELLOW became the fighting color of CORY's Presidential Campaign on the 1986 SNAP ELECTIONS thus the FEBRUARY PEOPLE POWER REVOLUTION happened and the rest was history. I personally like this song and the beat can just make me think of those simple times when I was young. The melody and lyrics is quite simple too. Hmmmp!! They don't compose songs like this one nowadays. I made this blogpost because I just remembered this great song when I saw those YELLOW RIBBONS around MANILA and MAKATI which were ordered by MANILA MAYOR ALFREDO LIM and MAKATI MAYOR JEJOMAR BINAY who were both ALLIES of CORY during those times. Well, I just like to rekindle those times so I uploaded the "TIE A YELLOW RIBBON" song for my blogpost. I know It's very different but this is my blog and I truly like the song. He He He!! A sign of getting old? Naaah!! I'm a MUSIC ENTHUSIAST so I dig this. Ha Ha Ha!! Btw, this song was also one of the PIANO PIECES our PIANO TEACHER taught us back in grade school. The Former President called on her children few days ago to be with her at bedside. Right now, Pres. CORY is most of the time asleep and according to NOYNOY AQUINO( CORY's son) her mom is in PAIN THERAPHY. YUP!! The Doctors also confirmed that Pres. CORY is taking too much PAIN RELIEVERS lately due to her critical condition from COLON CANCER. Though, her VITAL SIGNS improved, she has still no appetite. EVERYONE IS STILL PRAYING FOR HER. Personally, "THY WILL BE DONE".
Two weeks ago I made a blogpost entitled "DEAR CORY" so if you haven't read it yet just Click the "DEAR CORY Vinyl Record and Cassette Tape" PHOTO to enter my blogpost on it:
It was JULY 20, 1969 when MAN first stepped on the surface of the MOON. YUP!! Who would forget the classic NEIL ARMSTRONG's lines back then "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind." Of course, not related to the ARMSTRONG Brothers of VOLTES V who are STEVE, BIG BERT, and LITTLE JOHN. He He He!! Around 500 million people on Earth were hooked on their televisions and radios. YUP!! It's the 40th ANNIVERSARY of the FIRST MAN ON THE MOON MISSION of APOLLO 11. On July 16, 1969, NEIL ARMSTRONG, BUZZ ALDRIN, and MIKE COLLINS settled themselves into lunar command model COLUMBIA on the APOLLO 11, which was sky rocketted some 111 meters into space via the Saturn V rocket which was lifted off from the Kennedy Space Center at 9:32 a.m. Then four days later which was JULY 20, 1969 NEIL ARMSTRONG manually maneuvered the module which was called "EAGLE" to land on the MOON's Sea of Tranquility and of course another Legendary line again from him "Houston, Tranquility Base here. The Eagle has landed" . They spent around 21 hours on the moon's surface, planting the American Flag and a steel plaque bearing a message of peace. Well, maybe if some U.F.O.s would visit the moon then they might read that plaque. He He He!! Both NEIL and BUZZ collected around 43 pounds of rocks and then returned to COLUMBIA where COLLINS was awaiting them for their return to EARTH. They landed back on July 24, 1969 ditching into the Pacific Ocean. Well, that was 40 years ago and I wasn't born yet. He He He!! Hmmmp!! At least you have a little idea how young "Dr. Stirring Rhod" is. Ha Ha Ha!! I guess that's the real MOONWALK and definitely very timely with MICHAEL JACKSON's "MOONWALK" Dance Step that everyone is crazy about. This is just my little tribute to another of MAN's success on SPACE which is considered THE FINAL FRONTIER.
Here's a photo of BUZZ ALDRIN today. Btw, they challenged NASA that It's about time to prepare the FIRST MAN ON MARS. Wheeew!! That would be very interesting don't you think?
Click the photo to VIEW the APOLLO 11 VIDEO:
For the finale, I included a song from R.E.M. entitled "MAN ON THE MOON" taken from the band's 1992 album "AUTOMATIC FOR THE PEOPLE". First played here in MANILA by NU107 back in 1992. LISTEN HERE: MAN ON THE MOON- R.E.M.
Hi guys!! It has been a stormy week here in MANILA lately. Well, due to my busy schedule I realized that I haven't had a chance to do some cooking for a long time which is one of my favorite things to do on spare time. YUP!! I love cooking aside from eating. He He He!! So for this blogpost I just wanted to be different a little bit. Of course PINOY WAVERS and PUNKS are very familiar with my BLOGPOST TITLE. YUP!! It's an XB Classic song from THE CLASH entitled "Lost In The Supermarket". Definitely, I didn't get lost in the supermarket and this blogpost is not really about supermarket but It's more about the "PALENGKE" in English "MARKET" specifically the "WET MARKET". I guess that recent typhoon really made the market very wet. He He He!! I went to market to buy some foodstuffs for me to cook and I decided to take some photos of these stuffs using my handy dandy cellphone as always. Well, I'm not an expert photographer but most of my photo shots here in my blog were taken by me using my cellphone. Of course you need this raw stuffs for you to cook a good FILIPINO DISH.
So here we go guys!!
ISDA (Fish)
Well, I got some HASA-HASA and GALUNGONG (G.G.) for me to fried. HASA-HASA is also good for sinigang.
MANOK (Chicken)
One of my favorite dish is TINOLANG MANOK. Whether I use Ginger or TANGLAD(Lemon Grass) or PAPAYA or SAYOTE definitely this dish is a winner especially on a rainy day.
BABOY (Pork)
BAKA (Beef)
This is for my SINIGANG NA BABOY and NILAGANG BAKA. Wheeew!! SARAP!!
HIPON (Shrimps)
Another great dish is SINIGANG NA HIPON and of course I have to include also GAMBAS.
SQUID (Pusit)
Well, PUSIT NA TUYO is another favorite of mine especially during cold and rainy seaon here in MANILA. YUP!! It's a bit expensive if you look at the budget but It's worth the meal. He He He!! As you can see that's not TUYONG PUSIT okay, I love SQUID with OYSTER SAUCE so that's why I included it. He He He!! Maybe TIYA PUSIT loves this dish too. What do you think KABAYANS?
PANG GISA ( Saute)
Of course Gisa is to saute, to cook in oil, garlic, onions, or tomatoes. This three spices adds flavor to the dishes.
"Anak Ng Tokwa"......Of course sarap ng TOKWA'T BABOY. Btw, the material use in making TOKWA is believe to be the same as in Plaster Of Paris use for Casting Fractured Bones. Hmmmp!! Just like the TAHO? Well, It still taste good. Ha Ha Ha!!
TALONG (Eggplant)
How to start your day with a breakfast of "TORTANG TALONG". I wonder why this is called Eggplant. A plant that lays eggs? He he he!! Well , at least the EGG and TALONG is together on TORTANG TALONG with GINILING NA BABOY.
Nothing beats a HOT SOTANGHON SOUP on a rainy day.
Oooops!! That's not the big ape which is a great rival of GODZILLA. "Ang KANGKONG.... Bow!!" Great for SINIGANG NA BABOY too.
PRUTAS (Fruits)
Nothing makes it better than an after meal fruit dessert.
Well, I was not able to take pictures of all the foodstuffs that I bought in the WET MARKET which will be my meal schedule for the whole week. Hmmmp!! I guess I stimulated your appetite. Pictures of the FINISHED MEAL? Maybe next time but I'm not a CHEF that would make the dishes look good as an ART FORM. He He He!!
So before I end this blogpost of mine I uploaded the song from THE CLASH entitled "LOST IN THE SUPERMARKET" for you to listen to as a finale. This is 102 MUSIC!!
CHILDHOOD DILEMMAis a FIL-AM(Filipino-American) GOTHIC BAND that was officially formed wayback October 1987 and went into hiatus after 1989 only to be reformed on year 2005. I first heard of CHILDHOOD DILEMMA back in 1988 and read a small article of the band back in 1989 when a classmate of mine bought a copy of this 1989 Issue of LEGENDARY 80s ALTERNATIVE PHILIPPINE MAGAZINE called "THE SCORE MAGAZINE". Unfortunately, he already lost his copy but we are still in luck because my friend MEL of CAFFEINE band which I already featured in this little blog of mine before was able to preserve a copy of that issue so he was able to share that article to me for completing this CHILDHOOD DILEMMA blogpost of mine. The Blogpost Header Photo you see right now is the reformed CHILDHOOD DILEMMA composed of my good friend and the band's latestvocalist BENJIE COLLANTES of "THE VAULT", and with him are SEPTEMBER, and The Only remaining ORIGINAL MEMBER from the 80s line-upLANCE SERGIE YABUT. Well, big THANKS to BENJIE for giving me the necessary informations for my blogpost regarding the band and have referred me to LANCE in order to at least have a comprehensive history of the band that would include some bits of the 80s. Big THANKS to both of you BENJIE and LANCE!! YUP!! It's "The Dr. Stirring Rhod Way" again for sharing these stuffs for you guys regular visitors of my little blog "The Doctor Is In".
Here's an exclusive DIY "The Doctor Is In" EARLY CHILDHOOD DILEMMA photo which I made. According to LANCE, the 80s CHILDHOOD DILEMMA is a breakaway group from another PINOY 80s band STRANGE INTERLUDE. The original members of CHILDHOOD DILEMMA were ODEL HERNANDEZ (vocalist) , POPPO GENUINO poppi (keyboards), and LANCE SERGIE YABUT(bass). At first their name was BLACK NIRVANA because of THE CULT's influence on the band by way of NIRVANA and just added the word BLACK which is very common with band names and after some floundering they changed the name into a much approriate picture of the band which is CHILDHOOD DILEMMA considering their early tribulations and struggles during those times. I wonder what the late KURT COBAIN would say about this. He He He!! According to LANCE, there was a long search of a drummer until one day a high school friend of the band stepped forward and presented himself as the drummer with the name of NEIL HERNANDEZ. The revamp was then made wherein LANCE took the chore of strings, POPPI became the bass player, NEIL on drums, and of course ODEL as the lead vocalist. Poppi was replaced by Marcial Manansala after a few gigs. Thus, CHILDHOOD DILEMMA was born in the Philippine music scene back in 1987.
Here's ODEL's takes on his bandmates according to the SCORE MAGAZINE article via MEL. THANKS again MEL!! Definitely, I have to include it here on my blogpost.
On LANCE- "He's a perfectionist, and moody too. He's a good friend." On NEIL(not related to ODEL)- "He's a very cool and down-to-earth drummer." On MARCIAL- "He's a quiet person and easy to get with." On THE WHOLE BAND- "They're all OK, no hang-ups."
I guess the orginal line-up of CHILDHOOD DILEMMA back on those days were really young. In fact ODEL even confessed his age of being 19 years old on this article leading a pack of 17-year old music idealists.
I asked LANCE how's the Original Members Nowadays and here is his reply:
LANCE:"Odel left CHILDHOOD DILEMMA in the summer of 89 to join Discant X. There were talks of continuing the band but never materialized. Losing a front man was a big blow on us, then Odel left Discant X and fronted Inquisition. Poppi Genuino left for the US in 89 and now happily married with 2 kids. Marcial Manansala left for the states as well in the 90 and also have a wonderful family with 3 kids. Neil Hernandez now lives in East Bay, CA. I went to the states back in 99 and lived in LA for ten years and that's where I met Benjie."
CHILDHOOD DILEMMAwas officially reformed back in June 4, 2005 that's after LANCE's meeting with Benjie in the Chatroom. BENJIE "The Boy Wonder"was playing with another band back then called SPIRAL ECHO. LANCEwas looking for a drummer and BENJIE was looking for a bass player then they both shared unique ideas, passion and to make the long story short, BENJIE ended up auditioning with CHILDHOOD DILEMMA and the rest was history. Well, according to LANCE the audition was just a formality and sorta "getting to know you" thing. Before they met they've already exchanged materials and some infos. LANCE considered BENJIE being a creature from the 80s plus his experiences singing for 3 bands in the past so that's why "The Boy Wonder" is perfect for the band. BENJIE describes CHILDHOOD DILEMMA music as INDIE PINOY GOTHIC ROCK and their influences areEarly The Cure stuff, Siouxsie and The Banshees, Japan, Sisters of Mercy, and Bauhaus just to name a few.
A resurrection of creativity that was once thought buried underneath. Childhood Dilemma's music is reinvented from adolescent and rebellious character into something mature and well crafted but still evident of their roots. Melodic, dark, ambient rhythms with stimulating pulse-pounding tempos, haunting and thought provoking lyrics, clever and penetrating guitar reverberations, robust bass lines, and a taste of orchestration, are what to expect from CHILDHOOD DILEMMA to deliver.
Here are the other questions I aked BENJIE and his replies are well indicated:
Why BOY WONDER? BENJIE: I used to be a member of REACT International CB Team here in LA back in my college days. Since I’m one of the youngest members of the group, co-members started calling me “The Boy Wonder.” That became my CB “handle.”
How does it feel to be part of the band? BENJIE: Very honored to be part of a band that has been around since the 80s (Manila, Philippines)
What was your first GIG together with the reformed band? BENJIE:Wow, that’s a classic one….hmmm, it was a free show in a small internet café in Los Angeles with probably 25 to 30 occupants, mostly with our friends.
Most memorable GIG? BENJIE: At Club Funeral. We’re the first Filipino American that had the opportunity to play at one of the biggest gothic scene in L.A
What's your personal favorite on the album? BENJIE:Helen, Affection, Thirst, Executioner
Who conceptualized the album? BENJIE: Basically it’s a Benjie-Lance collaboration doing most of the work from beginning to end. From arranging songs, recording and mastering them at PMI Studio (now known as The Vault Studio) in California.I did all the artwork from the album and found Alice Egoyan, a very spectacular photographer from the north side and fell in love with her work.
Here's BENJIE "The Boy Wonder" takes on his bandmates.
On LANCE: =The mastermind, jack of all trades, and a vampire!
On SEPTEMBER: =Serious looking bloke, but he was actually the comedian. On HENDRIX:
=An ingenious machine, he plays the bass like there’s no tomorrow.
On the BAND itself:
= We had a very fascinating chemistry, from our influences and our own creativity. Sadly, the band officially disbanded in early 2008, but recently Lance and I are experimenting on some materials via email for possible EP release.
CHILDHOOD DILEMMA photo inside my CD
Here are the other questions I asked LANCE and his replies are also well indicated: Were you able to record your 80s original song "IN THE DARK" and do you have a copy of it right now so that we could share it to our readers? LANCE: There was an aerial recording but was lost when I went to the States. I would also like to add that the current lyrics of "IN THE DARK"" is totally different from the old one which was written by Odel. I rewrote the lyrics because the copy was lost and due to reasons of legalities there were some revisions with the music as well.
What was the first ever gig of CHILDHOOD DILEMMA back in the 80s?
LANCE: It was a private debut party at the Sheraton Manila.
What was your FONDEST MEMORIES of CHILDHOOD DILEMMA back in the 80s? LANCE: It's just that everytime before our gig one of the band member will get sick in the abdominal area. It might be stage fright.
Any difference from the 80s CHILDHOOD DILEMMA and the reformed band? LANCE: A lot! First, the old CHILDHOOD DILEMMA played mostly covers. We just had a few compositions. The present, is the other way around plus, the songs are collaborations of the members. Before, we play what was the fad. Now, we write what comes out of our creativity.
How was it working with the reformed LINE-UP? LANCE: So far so good. It is more fulfilling.
How did SEPTEMBER and JAMES became members of the band? LANCE: September is a common friend of Marcial and I. Marcial was supposed to be included in the reformation doing rhythm guitars but time did not permit. So I got September to play bass instead. I got James from the band THE CHASTE in which I also played lead guitars. He became a follower as soon as he heard our album. Then Benjie and I decided to move September to play rhythm and James bass to enhance our sound because in the album we have a lot of guitar parts. James joined the latter part of 2007.
Do you have anything more to share that we haven't tackled? LANCE: CHILDHOOD DILEMMA already came out with a full length album called ATROPA BELLADONNA (which is also supported by a music video). It's an independent release under PMI Ltd. A lot of things lined up in the future and we are in writing mode as of press time.
Well, BENJIE waskind enough to send me a copy of the original CHILDHOOD DILEMMA album entitled "ATROPA BELLADONNA" and definitely It's a very different kind of treat for me listening to the whole CD. Generally, the album is a bit dark but you can get the hang of it. The band's carrier single is "ATROPA BELLADONA" which was accompanied also by a Music Video when released.The CD contains 12 songs which were very well crafted. You could get a copy of this CD via CHILDHOOD DILEMMA MY SPACE. I've included some music files here in my blogpost for you to listen to and download but not all okay.My favorite in the album would definitely be the enchanting"ATROPA BELLADONA" that would slide you back to TRANSYLVANIA and meet DRAKULA. He He He!! Of course the mystic "HELEN"would be my second best choice which can even give you the creeps and there's an INTRO similarity of THE MISSION's "WASTELAND". I love this "Drops Of Water" effect on the"AFFECTION" song and makes you wonder if It's really water or a drops of blood. Hmmp!! Now, we are really talking about vampires. He He He!! That would lead you to their "THIRST" song and the very dark "IN THE DARK". Btw, I wonder what happened to the PINOY 80s band called IN THE DARK? Definitely, one great album for you to keep on your collection. If you like GOTHIC MUSIC then this is really for you.
ATROPA BELLADONNA -CHILDHOOD DILLEMA TRACKLIST: 1) Uma Oracao Para Os Espiritos 2) Helen 3) Atropa Belladonna 4) Affection 5) In The Dark 6) Executioner 7) Grey Skies 8) Thirst 9) As The World Turns 10) The Healing 11) Thirst (Reprise) 12) Atropa Belladonna (extended version)
CLICK HERE to DOWNLOAD the two versions: PASSWORD:
Some added INFO regarding the album:
COPYRIGHT 2006 Words and Music by: Lance/Benjie
Recorded by: CHILDHOOD DILEMMA at Polluted Mind Independent(PMI) STUDIO, Panorama City CA. Remixed and Remastered by: "The Boy Wonder" Cover Photography: Alice Egovan Band Photography: Emma Francisco Sleeve by: Dark Industry
ATROPA BELLADONA Music Video - Childhood Dilemma
Since the band was featured on MYX CHANNEL I then asked BENJIE regarding their apperance on the said channel. How was it to be featured on MYX CHANNEL? BENJIE: It was great exposure without the Payola, hahaha. What transpired after your MYX appearance? BENJIE: The exposure led us to more invites to shows, exposure at ABS-CBN show Speak-Out, where we played live at the taping of their episode about life after death, and having the video on a music channel has become a great marketing tool for the band to use. It was one factor in being able to crack our way into the Hollywood Gothic scene.
Speak Out Season 2 - Episode 9 Band: Childhood Dilemma Speak Out probes into one of the biggest, most philosophical debates ...the existence of God. Atheists get into it with a Catholic, Muslim, and a Christian in one of the most compelling episodes of Speak Out.
Btw, LANCE informed me that the band would be releasing an EP anytime and they will include on that EP their version of THE CULT's classic "SHE SELLS SANCTUARY". YUP!! You got it right an old XB classis done by our very own CHILDHOOD DILEMMA. So guys we are just fortunate because BENJIE gave me a copy of the song for you to listen to here on "The Doctor Is In". Basically, I love their version. NICE!! So I hope you'll like it too.
CLICK the CHILDHOO DILEMMA photo to enter their MY SPACE
There's this great line in the CD cover inlet written by LANCE which I wanna share to you also:
"Backwards and forwards run around in circles like a spinning wheel that keeps on turning. Suddenly I stepped, I have no reflection on the mirror Instead, I saw the world submerged in misery now I ponder is this the end or just the beginning." -LANCE YABUT
Hmmmp!! I find the message very deep indeed. How about you guys? Well KABAYANS, I hope you guys ENJOYED my little blogpost on our very own CHILDHOOD DILEMMA who are based in the U.S. YUP!! It's "The Dr. Stirring Rhod Way" of giving tribute to this GOTHIC BAND. THANKS AGAIN BENJIE and LANCE for trusting my little blog to feature CHILDHOOD DILEMMA!!
FORMER PHILIPPINE PRESIDENT CORAZON AQUINO needs our PRAYERS right now KABAYANS because according to my colleagues our former dear president is in critical condition due to her illness which is COLON CANCER. Her current condition is serious after she was admitted to the Makati Medical Center last week. Mrs. Aquino has been confined in the hospital since Tuesday last week due to poor appetite. She has been transferred to the hospital's intensive care unit (ICU) where doctors are closely monitoring her condition and no one have given details about Mrs. Aquino's present medical condition. Last JUNE 14, 2009, we were able to attend SUNDAY MASS at STO. DOMINGO CHURCH and It made me realized that I haven't been to that church for the longest time. This was the CHURCH that cradled the wake of the late SENATOR BENIGNO AQUINO back in 1983 after his assassination back in AUGUST 21, 1983. Well I do remember that day(AUG21) indeed because my family and I just got home from a visit to ANTIPOLO CHURCH when we heard the bad news on TV wayback 1983. Wheew!! MEMORIES INDEED!! As we finished mass we went straight to the church's bookstore to buy a new rosary, then I saw this CATHOLIC NEWSPAPER on the store. There was this interesting article in the FRONT PAGE entitled "ROSARY RALLY FOR THE HEALING OF FORMER PRESIDENT AQUINO" which really strucked me. YUP!! President Cory Aquino have been battling the "BIG C." for such time and BISHOP SOCRATES VILLEGAS which was the former secretary of the late JAIME CARDINAL SIN was leading a PRAYER CAMPAIGN for the former President. I was really moved and touched by this news article and once again reminded me how fragile life is. The levelling power of HUMAN ILLNESS I may say that would really affect any person whether who you are. BISHOP VILLEGAS was inviting his DIOCESE in BATAAN and all Rosary Devotees to pray the 20 mysteries of the HOLY ROSARY. I carry a rosary myself wherever I go and It's really in the heart of every BLUE AND GOLD to practice this everyday. President Cory is also well-known for her devotion for MAMA MARY and of course she usually visit the PINK SISTERS. I was saddened when I heard the latest news regarding our former President who was really a driving force back in the 80s here in the PHILIPPINES during those political turmoil times. I refer to her as the SYMBOL OF DEMOCRACY back then. We just don't have NEW WAVE/PUNK explosion wayback then but a POLITICAL explosion too.
Here's the photo I took of that news article so that it will be included here on my blogpost. Well, I have to say that I have encountered a lot of COLON CANCER patients before and definitely they are really suffering from the agony and pain especially while in CHEMOTHERAPY. You just don't want to see them suffering in front of you or else your heart will just bleed and you will have to say to them "Please Hang On and continue". When you say "COLON" It refers to the LARGE INTESTINES which has the functions of DIGESTION and ABSORPTION of nutrients from food. The colon also CONCENTRATE FECAL MATERIALS by absorbing fluid and electrolytes then It STORES and CONTROLS It's evacuation. COLON CANCER is usually HEREDITARY which means It increases the risk 2-3x if your first degree relative has a history of it. Though there are also a lot of causes too which I'll not anymore elaborate on it. Definitely, we have to offer our Fervent Prayers for Madam Cory Aquino.
DEAR CORY (A musical message of concern)
In 1990, only few months after another the coup de etat, a PHILIPPINE compilation album entitled "DEAR CORY(A musical message of concern)"was both released on VINYL RECORD and CASSETTE TAPE FORMAT under DYNA RECORDS. I uploaded the whole compilation for you regular visitors of my little blog "The Doctor Is In" and I have to pay for the ripping of the music files so I hope you'll like it. Well, since It was not released on CD format then I made my very own DIY CD of this great compilation. He He He!! The songs here are mostly protest songs during the time of the AQUINO GOVERNMENT. Of course, I just included it here in my blogpost since It's about our Madam President Cory Aquino. I decided to divide the music files into two groups to preserve the original TRACKLISTING of SIDE ONE and SIDE TWO which I've well indicated. Of course It's "The Dr. Stirring Rhod Way" again and hopefully you'll like it. ENJOY THE MUZIC guys!!
Here's my DIY DEAR CORY CD which I personally made myself for collection purposes:
SIDE ONE 12.6 megabytes
1) Intro" chant/ DEAR CORY- LOKAL BROWN 2) Start With The Children- LOKAL BROWN
3) Nagustuhan Mo Ba?- ASIN
5) Buhay At Bukid- BUKLOD
6) Soldier's Corner- ETHNIC FACES
13.18 megabytes
1) Brutal Scar- ETHNIC FACES
2) Bayang Inutang- ANG GRUPONG PENDONG
3) Tumindig Ka- BUKLOD
5) If I Were President- ED FORMOSO
6) Dahan-dahan, Hinay-hinay- ANG GRUPONG PENDONG
CLICK here to DOWNLOAD side two:
Here are some added INFO from my personal DIY CD I made:
All compositions published and administered by ED FORMOSO
Well, basically this compilation is politically motivated and all songs have deep lyrics within that could definitely activate your senses. The bands like ANG GRUPONG PENDONG headed by Alfredo “PENDONG” Aban, Jr. who was a former member of the LEGENDARY PINOY FOLK/ROCK band ASIN would boost up your political awareness. Of course there is also music here from ASIN which is "SALT" in English. The songs that I really love in this complitation are LOKAL BROWN's "START WITH THE CHILDREN", ED FORMOSO's "IF I WERE PRESIDENT", BUKLOD's "TUMINDIG KA" and the two ETHNIC FACES songs namely "SOLDIER'S CORNER" and "BRUTAL SCAR". Definitely PINOY WAVERS would remember ETHNIC FACES because of that legendary "10 OF ANOTHER KIND" PINOY NEW WAVE compilation album wayback in 1989 that included their classic hit "GOLDEN BOY". If you're an activist back in those times then the music here is definitely for you. If you are a music enthusiast like me then this is a good music treat for you. CLASSIC PINOY MUSIC I may say. "SARILING ATIN" mga KABAYAN!!
I uploaded two of my favorite songs for your LISTENING PLEASURE!!
LISTEN to "Start With The Children" by LOKAL BROWN:
I also made a special PEOPLE POWER blogpost last FEBRUARY 25,2009 and featured this special CD entitled MAGKAISA which I bought. I also uploaded my whole CD so if you haven't read my "MAGKAISA" blogpost and is interested to download the entire CD then just click my MAGKAISA CD photo to enter my blogpost.
Here are two TIME Magazine covers that featured our beloved President:
Hello Madam President. I know you don't know me personally but I'm one of your supporters back in the 80s even though I was young back then. Your passion for PEACE and DEMOCRACY have lifted and inspired a lot of people around the globe. I just like to let you know that you are also included in my PRAYERS. A lot of people LOVES you and would really like to see you recover from your illness and sufferings right now. I PRAY to the LORD that he may give you more strength to carry on the journey of life. THANK YOU VERY MUCH for all your contributions in our country. Hoping and praying for your speedy recovery. GOD BLESS!! YOURS TRULY, -DR. STIRRING RHOD