"THE TRANSFORMERS: The Movie" was an animated 1986 feature film based on the animated series of the same name which became a hit for my generation back in the 80s. I remember watching this on BETAMAX. This animated series was transformed into a film back in 2007 entitled "TRANSFORMERS" directed by MICHAEL BAY and was a huge sucess around the world. Now, "TRANSFORMERS: REVENGE OF THE FALLEN" is coming up and I can't hardly wait to see it on the big screen. I made a blogpost on TRANSFORMERS (PINOY STYLE) before and if you haven't read it yet do check it out
I was first introduced to THE TRANSFORMERS wayback 1984 when a classmate of mine brought these notebooks at school having the covers of these amazing robots. It was around 1985 when this "Cartoon" series was shown here in MANILA. TAKE NOTE I used the term "Cartoon" and not "Anime" since that's the term we usually use back on those days. Talking about age ah. Ha Ha Ha!! Definitely, I'm a great fan of the TRANSFORMERS!!
Here's the NEWS of the sequel:
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen
Some TRANSFORMERS sequel characters:
Btw, do you know that there were some TRANSFORMERS characters which were rejected on the sequel? YUP!! These were indeed the FALLEN ROBOTS I may say!! A friend of mine gave me the photos of these REJECTED TRANSFORMERS and so I decided to include it here on my blogpost. These robots don't have names so yours truly "Dr. Stirring Rhod" gave them their own names so if you're gonna adapt them and take care of them be sure to notify me so that there would be no copyright infringement thing. Ha Ha Ha!! POOR ROBOTS!! So It's up to you to know why they were rejected for the movie. He he he!!
This is the way to end the blogpost!! "The Dr. Stirring Rhod Way"!!
So guys let me present you!! The FALLEN ROBOTS!! Those Rejected Ones:
Well, I hope you guys enjoyed my blogpost for today!!
Last MARCH 28,2009, the Philippines joined other countries in commemorating EARTH HOUR. Well, after work I went home early that evening to get some rest while joining the whole nation on this Earth Hour . It's one hour of turning off the lights from 8:30-9:30 pm. Earth Hour is a global effort encouraging people from all over the world to turn off electricity from 8:30 to 9:30 pm to raise awareness about the effects of climate change and global warming. The event here in MANILA started with the darkening of the Rizal Shrine and there was also a gathering at SM Mall Of Asia in Pasay City. I know people who went to MOA(Mall Of Asia) that evening and they told me that everybody was in high spirits. Some of them even brought this battery generated "LIGHT SABER" thing. There was a concert after the event. According to Yeb Sano, Philippine representative the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), more than 15 million Filipinos were estimated to have joined Earth Hour on that night and a total number of 647 cities and town participated in the event that made the Philippines rank #1 among all the countries that joined this said global event. Hmmmp!! Another of those united statement to really save PLANET EARTH. My country is home for a lot of diverse species and mainly Marine Biodiversity. The Philippines is one of the half dozen countries that share the Coral Triangle but more than 18% of the region's coral reefs were damaged or destroyed in a bleaching event linked to rising sea temperatures back in 1998-99, underlining the immense risks climate change poses to the environment, food security and the economies of coastal and island countries and communities. I guess It's about time to make some preventive measures regarding further devastation.
Earth Hour Philippines organizers are aligning the event with climate-friendly energy initiatives through the Switch Movement which is considered as the social mobilization platform of multi-sector energy stakeholders spawned by the 2008 Philippine Energy Summit. Lately, we have experienced here in MANILA some unexpected rain showers admist the hot weather of summer.Signs of climate change indeed KABAYAN. According to Francis Chua, chairman of the Green Army and head of Earth Hour Philippines marketing committee,there are already negotiations underway with potential Earth Hour national sponsors to jumpstart breakthrough energy practices and technologies from April 2009 to March next year. So I guess next year would be another record to break? Naaaah!! The important thing is the action okay.
Two days after the Earth Hour event I was able to go to SM MEGAMALL and I was surprised to see this EARTH HOUR Merchandises FOR SALE already. From T-SHIRTS, PINS, and what have you. Hmmmp!! PINOY Talaga!! There was even a TV screen that showcased some Filipino Actors/Actresses promoting Earth Hour. Talking about oppurtunities right? Well, as long as the funds would go to the proper projects to save Planet Earth It's safe to say that It's a good merchandise.
So how did EARTH HOUR began? EARTH HOUR was conceived by WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature, also known as World Wildlife Fund) and The Sydney Morning Herald back in 2007, when 2.2 million residents of Sydney participated by turning off all non-essential lights. It is a global event organized by WWF and is held on the last Saturday of March annually, asking households and businesses to turn off their non-essential lights and other electrical appliances for one hour to raise awareness towards the need to take action on climate change. Earth hour following Sydney's lead and many other cities around the world adopted the event in 2008 and was very succesful last MARCH 28, 2009 and definitely Philippines was one nation in this event.
In line with EARTH HOUR, I recently bought this DVD set of BBC's "PLANET EARTH" series which I find very informative and amazing due to the content of the video. Added education for us guys or just recall. It is considered as a follow up to the award winning "THE BLUE PLANET"series which I personally haven't watch yet. I decided to buy first this "PLANET EARTH" DVD series and as of the moment I'm still thinking if I will also buy "THE BLUE PLANET" DVD series too because it's a little big on the budget. He He He!! "PLANET EARTH" is a multi award-winning 2006 television series produced by the BBC Natural History Unit. It was considered as the the most expensive nature documentary series ever commissioned by the BBC, and also the first to be filmed in high definition that took four years to make. Wheeew!! The series was co-produced by the Discovery Channel and NHK in association with CBC, and was described by its makers as "the definitive look at the diversity of our planet".Definitely this "PLANET EARTH" BBC Series is a must for you guys so that you could reflect and go over and appreciate the only planet we live. This was narrated by DAVID ALLENBOROUGH and I promise you that It's a wonderful experience watching the series and you may just think otherwise why we should save planet earth for our next generation to nurture and enjoy. A lot of changes have already happened here on earth in the past centuries so let us not be the one to get extinct right smack on the carelessness that's happening around us. WOW VEEEERRRY DEEEP!! Seriously speaking , there are major threats for climate change and each of us here has an obligation to take actions on it. So everyone... Let us rediscover PLANET EARTH!!
I've included some VIDEOS/MUSIC to spice up my blogpost. Well, of course It's....."The Dr. Stirring Rhod Way"!!!
Hmmmp!! So how about a PINOY ALTERNATIVE ROCK tune KABAYAN? I chose this classic song from 90s PINOY ROCK DUO"YANO" entitled "KAKA". YANO was composed of Dong Abay on vocals and Eric Gancio on guitars and this"KAKA" song is very much related on the blogpost topic because of the chorus "Eh Kasi WALANG KURYENTE" in English "NO ELECTRICITY". When I first heard this song back in 1994 at LA ROCK 105.9 I really thought the title of the song was "Walang Kuryente" because the station played the demo just before YANO hit bigtime with their debut album. Btw, "YANO" in English means "simple", a term often used by Tagalog speakers in Quezon. VERY FUNNY song indeed about a person name "KAKA" and his misadventures during a BROWN OUT that led him in a lot of troubles. Hmmmp!! Talking about JINX? He He He!! KABAYAN, can someone translate the whole song in English? Huh? That reminds me of a BUGTONG(Philippine Riddle) that goes like this: "Nanjan na si KAKA, bumubuka bukaka".....remember the answer KABAYAN? Of course It's "GUNTING" in English "SCISSOR". I wonder what EDWARD SCISSORHANDS would say about this. Ha Ha Ha!! I uploaded "KAKA" for you to listen to.
Let's end this EARTH HOUR BLOSPOST of mine with a Video of one of my favorite BMX BANDITS song which was an 89DMZ WAVE180 exclusive. It's a LOIUS ARMSTRONG ORIGINAL "What A Wonderful World".This song was also played on 103.5 KLITE's LITEWAVE back in 2004 by my request. He He He!! So everyone lets make EARTH a Wonderful World to live in. It's the only PLANET we got.
I hope you guys enjoyed my Special Blogpost about EARTH HOUR and PLANET EARTH. Let us help each other preserve our planet. THANKS FOR DROPPING BY AGAIN!! PLANET EARTH!! ...What A Wonderful World!! -DR. STIRRING RHOD-
Here's my BLOG PAGE last DECEMBER 31, 2008 going to the New Year January 1, 2009!!
My MULTIPLY AVATAR was not yet included on the right side. I just placed it here on my blog last JANUARY 7, 2009.
Now, I decided to finally create my very own "The Doctor Is In" LOGO here in BLOGGER to at least add up some spice on my Blogpage.
So guys I present you my very own DIY NEW : "The Doctor Is In: The Home Of Dr. Stirring Rhod" Logo!!
I hope you like it!! Of course, my old reliable RUBIK'S CUBE is included. So for APRIL 11, 2009 here's my new docmuzic.blogspot.com LOGO after 20months in the blogosphere. THANKS AGAIN for the blog support!! More BLOGPOST SURPRISES yet to come so keep on visiting my little blog.
BLOGPOST #180 WAVE180 Ladies and Gentlemen may I present you my own special Blogpost #180!! It was 1994 when out of the blue a NEW WAVE RADIO show from a Dance Music Radio Station would conquer the radio airwaves on the DECADE of the 90s here in MANILA. I'm talking about the Legendary NEW WAVE Radio Show on 89.1 DZMZ(DanZe Muzic Zone) aka. 89DMZ called WAVE180.This is another "The Doctor Is In" EXCLUSIVE BLOGPOST for you guys who frequent my little blog. So join me again in travelling back in time to the good old days of WAVE180 in the 90s as my deepest part of my memory banks can remember and document.
89 DMZ was owned and operated by Intercontinental Broadcasting Corporation better known as IBC13 wherein the studios were located at Broadcast City, Capitol Hills, Diliman, Quezon City, with its transmitter located along Roosevelt Avenue, San Francisco del Monte, Quezon City here in the PHILIPPINES. As DANZE MUZIC ZONE, the station concentrated more on Dance Music Genre that included RAP and HIP HOP. After POWER105 changed format in 1991, Legendary DZBM DJ "HARRY NOLAN" also became a part of 89DMZ DJ rosters as "JELLY BEAN". Well, It was nice to hear his voice again on radio and I personally thought that he would be the one hosting a NEW WAVE show if ever 89DMZ would be ready to feature a New Wave program back then when the playlist were HIP HOP, RNB, DANCE, and RAP MUSIC. Finally, the moment I've been waiting for on 89 DMZ did arrive!! A NEW WAVE radio show!! Here is my very own little tribute to this very influencial 89DMZ New Wave Radio Program called "WAVE180" here in MANILA during the 90s when ALTERNATIVE ROCK from both FOREIGN and PINOY ARTISTS ruled the Radio Airwaves.
This 90s Legendary MANILA NEW WAVE radio show was born wayback 1994 and was hosted by Andy Santillian aka. "THE UNBEATABLE" who is also considered as one of the pioneers of this musical genre back in the early 80s at CUTE102 before it became WXB102. He also worked at RK 96 (now known as LITEROCK) together with Inggo aka. "Morning Man" of XB's "Request Round-Up" in the early 80s. Good thing I was able to dig up a photo of "THE UNBEATABLE" in my Vaults even though it's not good in quality at least it would help spice up again my blogpost. He was also the usual station voice over at the TV station RPN CHANNEL 9. Well, I guess my KABAYANS would remember this. Hmmmp!! Unforgetable "THE UNBEATABLE" voice I may say. WAVE180 definitely has influenced a lot of youngsters back then to the so-called NEW WAVE GENRE. Personally, I consider WAVE180 as a very instrumental radio program in bringing back NEW WAVE on MANILA's airwaves even though there were a lot of RETRO RADIO programs that emerged in the decade of the 90s. So whyWAVE180? It's 180minutes of New Wave Music and It's subgenres right smack on the FM dial which was broadcast EVERY SUNDAYS 9am-12nn. YUP!! That's equivalent to 3 long hours of NEW WAVE MUSIC indeed!! Some youngsters even thought that this kind of music was very new not knowing It was already a RETRO thing. WAVE180 is a part of 89DMZ's RETRO PROGRAMMING every SUNDAYS which was called "SUNDAY GOLD DANCE". If you're an avid follower of 89DMZ, you'll definitely recall the station's EASTER SUNDAY Music Mixes. Very timely blogpost? I also remember THE UNBEATABLE's advertisement of one of WAVE180's primary Sponsors "BIZARRE Boutique". "BIZARRE....IF YOU DARE TO BE DIFFERENT". Hmmmp!! An AD inspired by XB? Wheew!! That's MEMORIES INDEED!! The success of the show within a year and a half gave WAVE180 an extended extra hour so that means It's 8am-12nn but the title remained the same. I think Itshould already be called WAVE240 because of that extra 60minutes. So what do you think KABAYANS? He He He!! According to THE UNBEATABLE there were a lot of request to extend the length of the show. Hmmmp!! That's what you call craving!! Ha Ha Ha!! In late 1997, the show schedule was changed to every MONDAYS but still 4 hours of New Wave Music which was 6am-10am. By late 1998 the impact of WAVE180 was waning already and so it was brought back to SUNDAYS and it just disappeared in 1999. WAVE180 was revived in 2001 with former DMZ jocks hosting the show but it just flipped out into oblivion.
I was able to drop by WAVE180 and met "THE UNBEATEABLE" twice. The first time was wayback 1997 with my friends and the second and last time was back in 1999 when I claimed my ADVANCE SCREENING MOVIE TICKETS for the movie RONIN which starred "ROBERT DE NIRO". Well, I also won these tickets shown on the photo on a contest on WAVE180 via a question raised by "THE UNBEATABLE" that goes like this "Who were the artists that were featured on the song "GETTING AWAY WITH IT" by "ELECTRONIC"? That's BERNARD SUMNER of NEW ORDER, JOHNNY MARR of THE SMITHS and special participation of NEIL TENNANT of THE PETSHOP BOYS. Nice line up don't you think? I guess ROBERT DE NIRO WAS WAITING for me. TALKING ITALIAN? We better ask BANANARAMA about it. He He He!!
So what kind of music does WAVE180 plays? Of course, It's NEW WAVE PINOY FLAVOR!! It included ARTISTS and SONGS from the age of WXB102, DZBM POWER105, and NU107. Bands like THE RAILWAY CHILDREN, THE ALARM, and LOTUS EATERS to name a few were regulars on the playlist. There's even a twist on what you could hear on WAVE180 because this was the time when the 90s Alternative Music was booming around the world. YUP!! THEUNBEATABLE even included the Extended Dance Version of "WHAT'S UP" by "4 NONBLONDES" ,"DREAMS" by "THE CRANBERRIES", "LEMON TREE" by "FOOLSGARDEN" on It's playlist. Wheeew!! WAVE180 was also the first one to introduce in MANILA obscure 80s bands like "LOW LIFE" by playing their song entitled "RAMIFIED" and "TREEBOUND STORY" by playing their "FOREVER GREEN" song.BMX BANDITS version of a LOUIS ARMSTRONG classic song "WHAT A WONDERFUL WORLD" was an exclusive on the show. This was the time when the famous cigarrette commercial of SEVEN STARS LITE was very popular here in MANILA because of the original song from Louie Armstrong was the song background. Now my memory banks is filling up. He He He!! Actually, I consider WAVE180 as the last on my list if your'e talking about ranking the NEW WAVE Radio Shows that evolved after the XB,BM, and NU ERA. Not really on the deeper side of NEW WAVE comparing to CLUB RETRO(started in 1997) and LITEWAVE(started in 1999) but It made animpact for PINOY WAVERS and even the 90s youngsters back then. The MAJOR INGREDIENT of the show? Well, I guess It's their EXTENDED, REMIX, 12inch versions of the songs being played. The show even have their own kind of versions of these Extended Versions!! The INDIE SERIES which I have featured here in my blog before namely "AND GOD CREATED INDIE". "THE RISE OF INDIE", and "WAR OF THE INDIES" were also influenced by WAVE180. I'm still looking for a copy of "THE LAST OF THE INDIEPENDENTS" which was considered as the last of It's CD series.
I was really digging up my vaults to look for any written information about 89DMZ's WAVE180 but to no avail. But instead, I got this one page 89DMZ black and white magazine advertisement of the station which was popular as the DANZE MUZIC ZONE. This AD just included the station's radio program schedules and the photos of their DJs which included the LATE FRANCIS MAGALONA as "The Mouth". Unfortunately, It doesn't include any infos on WAVE180 so I have to make my very own BLOGPOST TRIBUTE to this great Legendary NEW WAVE RADIO SHOW of 89DMZ.
ADDED INFOS ON WAVE180: Courtesy of MARLON (WAVEMASTER): -The man who conceptualized WAVE180 wasJAKE of MUSIC PSE better known as "TINY" in the station. He owns the HARD TO FIND Vinyls being played on 89 DMZ.
Courtesy of henry: -WAVE180's RADIO ID TAG:
Wave - a moving quest or swell on the surface of the water..
WAVE180 CD Series photo and CDs courtesy of bingbong
And now we're heating it up with this blogpost of mine because I'll be featuring the ENTIRE WAVE180 CD SERIES that was released due to the success of the show. Another PHILIPPINE Bootleg CD? Well, It's a great bootleg I may say back then. He He He!! A BOOTLEG that was BOOTLEGGED again so that it would be affordable. Definitely this CD SERIES was INSPIRED by 89DMZ's WAVE180 and no doubt about it. The FIRST WAVE180 CD was released here in MANILA back in 1998 entitled:"Wave 180 - Where it All Began" when the said show popularity was beginning to drain down and this was courtesy by YOUNG GODS RECORDS. Then the SECOND VOLUME which was a follow-up was entitled"Wave 180 Book 2" which is a 2-CD package released by HIDE AND SEEK RECORDS. Hmmmp!! Very interesting Record Labels don't you think? Then, MG Records re-released the 1st CD and re-titled it "British Wave-180: The Power Mix" Then the LAST CD was entitled "Wave-180-S (The Singles Collection)". I wasn't able to complete the entire series so I asked for reinforcement and we are fortunate that my buddy bingbong has the entire series to share it for us here on "The Doctor Is In". YUP you got it right, my pal bingbong UPLOADED all his WAVE180 CD SERIES for us to enjoy and remember the MUZIC of WAVE180. CHEERS and ENJOY THE MUZIC EVERYONE!! THANKS bingbong for sharing these stuffs!!
To download the WAVE180 CD SERIES just
CLICK the"DOWNLOAD!!" word.
Photo Courtesy of Henry
WAVE 180 – WHERE IT ALL BEGAN (74:48) File Size: 68.22 MB 1. Brokenland – The Adventures 2. Upside Down – Two Minds Crack 3. Repetition – Information Society 4. Turn Back The Clock – Johnny Hates Jazz 5. A Question Of Lust – Depeche Mode 6. With or Without You – U2 7. Running Away – The Colourfield 8. Worst Year of My Life – The Wild Swans 9. Motion of Love – Gene Loves Jezebel 10. Thieves Like Us – New Order 11. Feels Like Heaven – Fiction Factory 12. Mad World – Tears for Fears 13. Don't Do It – New Order 14. Cities In Dust – Siouxsie and the Banshees 15. Away - Bolshoi 16. Pure – Lightning Seeds 17. 20 Killer Hurts – Gene Loves Jezebel 18. I Go Crazy – Flesh for Lulu 19. On Paper – Three O’Clock 20. Lips Like Sugar – Echo and the Bunnymen 21. Pretty In Pink – Psychedelic Furs 22. Somewhere In My Heart – Aztec Camera 23. Some People I Know Lead Fantastic Lives – China Crisis 24. Transfer Affection – A Flock of Seagulls 25. Love Will Tear Us Apart – Swans 26. Love Vigilantes – New Order 27. Walk Away – Sisters of Mercy 28. Career Opportunities – The Clash 29. A Question of Time – Depeche Mode 30. Lions – Tones on Tails 31. Tainted Love – Soft Cell 32. Pop Goes The World – Men Without Hats 33. That Was The Day – The The 34. Duel – Propaganda 35. Turn To The Sky – The March Violets 36. This Corrosion – Sisters of Mercy 37. Total Recall – The Sound 38. Damaged Goods – Gang of Four 39. New Life – Depeche Mode 40. The Meaning Of Love – Depeche Mode 41. What's Your Name (Pretty Boy) – Depeche Mode 42. Metro - Berlin 43. Synthecide - SSQ 44. Crash – The Primitives 45. Boys Don't Cry – The Cure 46. You & I – I Start Counting 47. Always – Real Life 48. 99 Red Balloons - Nena
WAVE 180 Book 2 Disc 1 (89:37) File Size: 83.61 MB 1. Burning Flame – Vitamin Z 2. Hold Me Now – Thompson Twins 3. The Hunger and The Greed – Two Minds Crack 4. Rain In The Summertime – The Alarm 5. Here's Where The Story Ends – The Sundays 6. Stand - REM 7. Hot Hot Hot – The Cure 8. Animal Magic – Belouis Some 9. The Bottom Line – Big Audio Dynamite 10. Out of Hand – The Mighty Lemon Drops 11. Confession – The Colourfield 12. Boy – Book of Love 13. My Boyish Days – Care 14. Change – Tears for Fears 15. Have In Mind – Cetu Javu 16. Living In Oblivion – Anything Box 17. Broken Heart – Red Flag 18. Love My Way – Psychedelic Furs 19. Heartache – Gene Loves Jezebel 20. In A Big Country – Big Country 21. Idol – Flesh for Lulu 22. Best and Marsh – New Order 23. Bad Rock City – Big Audio Dynamite 24. Lucretia My Reflection – Sisters of Mercy 25. But Not Tonight – Depeche Mode 26. Send Me An Angel – Real Life 27. …From Across The Kitchen Table – The Pale Fountains 28. Right Here – The Go-Betweens 29. Romantic Dreams – Industry 30. Please - Bolshoi 31. Postcards From Paradise – Flesh for Lulu 32. Dance With Me – Lords of the New Church 33. The Dead Heart – Midnight Oil 34. Inside Out – The Mighty Lemon Drops 35. I'll Be You – The Replacements
WAVE 180 Book 2 Disc 2 (89:31) File Size: 83.54MB 1. Intro Bits: Telephone Call – Kraftwerk / Dreaming of Me – Depeche Mode 2. State Of The Nation - Industry 3. The Telephone Call - Kraftwerk 4. It's My Life – Talk Talk 5. Hands Across The Sea – Modern English 6. The Distance Between Us – Fra Lippo Lippi 7. Walk Out To Winter – Aztec Camera 8. Dreaming of Me – Depeche Mode 9. Worlds Apart – Cactus World News 10. The Unguarded Moment – The Church 11. The Border – Modern English 12. Over You – Echo and the Bunnymen 13. Uncertain Smile – Pierce Turner 14. Book of Love – Book of Love 15. Friday I'm In Love – The Cure 16. Love Removal Machine – The Cult 17. No Explanation – The Church 18. Last Perfect Thing – Wire Train 19. Nowhere Girl – B-Movie 20. Bittersweet – Marc Almond 21. Fire In Cairo – The Cure 22. Christine – Siousxie and the Banshees 23. I Eat Cannibals – Total Coelo 24. China – Red Rockers 25. Love Will Tear Us Apart – Joy Division 26. The Deep – March Violets 27. Forgotten Years – Midnight Oil 28. Ink And Paper – Modern English 29. Incubus Succubus – Xmal Deutschland 30. Happy Birthday – Altered Images 31. King In A Catholic Style – China Crisis 32. The Colourfield – The Colourfield 33. Telecommunication – A Flock of Seagulls 34. Matador – Xmal Deutschland 35. Everywhere I Go – The Call 36. Major Tom – Peter Schilling 37. Just A Dream - Nena 38. When All's Well – Everything But the Girl 39. Infected – The The 40. It's The End Of The World – REM
For the last CD of this series I re-uploaded it since there was a problem on the original link.
WAVE 180-S (The Singles Collection) File Size: 73.19 MB
1. With or Without You (Shout Remix) – U2 2. Mad World – Tears for Fears 3. Hands Across the Sea – Modern English 4. This is the Day – The The 5. Career Opportunities (Sharona Remix) - The Clash 6. Nowhere Girl (12’’ Version) – B-Movie 7. Forgotten Years – Midnight Oil 8. Some People I Know Lead Fantastic Lives – China Crisis 9. Running Away – The Colourfield 10. Inside Out – The Mighty Lemon Drops 11. Bittersweet – Marc Almond 12. Love My Way – Psychedelic Furs 13. Rain in the Summertime – The Alarm 14. Turn to the Sky – The March Violets 15. Damaged Goods – Gang of Four 16. Fire in Cairo – The Cure 17. Right Here – The Go-Betweens 18. Lips Like Sugar (Extended Mix) – Echo and the Bunnymen
PASSWORD TO ALL CDS : http://docmuzic.blogspot.com/
Btw, all the CDs doesn't run for 180minutes okay. I've indicated the running time and the file size of each CD so that you'll have an idea how long it would play. "WAVE180: Where It All Began" and "WAVE180 Book 2" are all NEW WAVE MEGAMIXES. This is the mother of NEW WAVE MIXES just before we drown on the current flooding of NEW WAVE MIXES around the blogosphere. MEGAMIX record bar in SM MEGAMALL was also very popular during those times. NICE CD TRACKLIST!! PINOY WAVER's delight!!
If you have your own memories of the show do share it to us.