HELLO EVERYONE!! I just got some Major Blog Make-over. YUP!! It's the New Improved DOCMUZIC "The Doctor Is In". I've been really busy lately and so I haven't got any time to blog but I promise these coming days that I'll start to Rock The Blog again for you guys. So stay tune for more here on the original and the best PINOY NEW WAVER Oriented Blog in the blogosphere. THANK YOU VERY MUCH to you guys who keep on visiting this little blog of mine for the past 3 years and we're going 4 years this coming August 2011 so expect more interesting blogposts. Any form of motivation would do too. So until then, Bye Bye for now!!
It's the New Improved DOCMUZIC!!
great to see you agin doc...nice work on the blog looks good lots of rare stuff on your banner hehehe...i will be visiting the philippines this march i was wondering if we can hang out...you know relive the good ol days.
THANKS randy b. for appreciating the new look. :-) Well, we'll try if my schedule permits. Have a safe trip back home KABAYAN. :-)
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